Thursday, April 17, 2008


I was going to translate my notes and put them up on the blog but, I'm lazy. So I'm just going to put the relevant stuff up so I can continue on. I'v been thinking about how I will create this neuron program. I've run into a problem when I neuron has to receive multiple signals at the same time. After thinking about how I could achieve this, I decided that it would be better to forgo the balance neuron idea and create neurons that mimic their real life counterparts. So here is my new model
  • Neurons have a threshold, if that threshold is met within a certain amount of time, the neuron fires.
  • Neurons always fire the same signal to all of it's listeners. (example: Neuron A has two receivers, both will recive a value of 1 when the neuron fires.)
  • Neurons can listen to as many other neurons as they wish.
  • Neurons can only listen to the same neuron once. (example: Neuron A listens to Neuron B, Neuron A can't not add another listener to Neuron B)

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